Here are a couple of privacy policies I implement here at
I. Newsletter
As a visitor of my website, you can choose to opt-in to my email list ( to receive content from me as well as important updates that I share with my subscribers first. Your email address will never be shared, sold, or exposed to third parties of any kind. You may also unsubscribe from my email list in case you don’t want to receive any more updates from me.
Bottom line: I respect you as my reader, customer, and follower.
II. Amazon Affiliate Links
I am an Amazon Affiliate member wherein I get an amount in commissions for products that people buy from my site. This is just one of the many income streams I’ve implemented in order to support my online endeavors. Any book or product that you purchase through my link and my website will enable me to earn from the sale. Thank you in advance!
III. Comments
I use the Disqus commenting system to support comments on my blog. This enables you to join the conversation while keeping your personal information within the Disqus system. I will remove or flag your comment if you commit any of the following internet crimes:
- Posting rude and defamatory comments that do not contribute to the discussion or content of the post.
- Spamming incessantly.
- Picking fights unrelated to the discussion or content of the post with other people in the comments section.